Some days finding a cache is easy; the weather is nice and we have plenty of time. Yesterday wasn't like that. We had a busy day and there was lots of rain in the area. Finally, we had a few moments to spare so we headed for Shaw Park in Clayton, Missouri.
The cache was close to parking and relatively easy, a 1.5. No sooner had we gotten out of the car than it started raining. Mona got back in the car, but I trudged on. The cache proved more difficult than expected, especially because there were lots of muggles. Finally, I spotted it! Whew, the streak is still going!
Our on last day in STL I did the St. Louis Arch Mystery Cache at the Arch. This cache involved visiting the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Museum and finding the answers to seven questions. You then used these answers to figure out the longitude and lattitude of the cache. Love this cache!!!!
Okay...I'm you didn't know I was gone! The streak is now at 33 days. Only 67 more to go! Yesterday, I went to Springfield, IL to go mushrooming with my son, Steve. Hadn't found a cache yet so really needed to find one. Pulled over, checked and found that I was just a few tenths from For the Birds.
Turns out, this place is a Wildlife Sanctary! I've been coming to Springfield for over 50 years and I never knew this place existed!'s right on the main road to Springfield. Love how geocaching helps you rediscover the world you live in!
This place has lots of easy trails and is full of birds....little wonder, because it's maintained by the Audobon Society. I recommend a pick up this cache and just to enjoy the wonder of nature!
Well, time to find #34. Where oh where could it be!