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The View from the GZ (Ground Zero of the cache) |
My heart is pumping. I’m thrilled to be caching here…gazing at the
mountains in the distance and listening to the roar of Yellowstone just a
couple of hundred yards away. I’m near
the GZ of Electric Rock (GC1K5FJ) north of Yellowstone Park and there are wild
buffalo, elk and bear in the area. I’m
quite aware of this and have taken the appropriate safety precautions. Yep, got my bear bell on my walking stick, I’m
making lots of noise as I walk and I’m approaching this huge rock with care…knowing
that a buffalo could easily be hidden behind it.
I was within fifteen feet of
the GZ, but I wanted to make sure I was safe before I went for the find. I decided I needed to peek over the truck-sized
rock to see if there were any man-eating critters hiding behind it. You know, just in case. Just as I leaned over my tennis shoes lost
their grip on the slippery rocks and I fell.
As I lay there, gasping for
breath, I had some extra time on my hands and thought it would be a good time
to review the safety precautions published on geocaching.com and how well I had
Precaution #1: Tell someone where you are going. I had left our hotel room early in the
morning leaving Mrs. M. sleeping peacefully.
I had not left a note as I planned only to be caching near the
hotel. As a bare minimum I should have
left a note. But even more so, this is
an area where you shouldn’t cache alone.
Grade on this one: FAIL
Precaution #2: Focus on your
surroundings. Yes, I was watching out
for “lions, tigers and bears”, but I had paid no attention to the slippery
rocks I was standing on. Moreover, why
was I wearing tennis shoes in this environment?
My hiking boots were in the car
and I hadn’t taken the time to put them on.
Duh! You need to be properly
geared-up for your surroundings and you need to be aware of all the
dangers. Focus! Grade on this one: FAIL
Precaution #3: Bring the right gear
including extra water, batteries, etc. I
actually didn’t do too badly on this one.
My car was only a few hundred feet away and all the right stuff was in
it, including a first-aid kit. However,
laying there on the rocks I could have used a drink of water. Grade: Passed, but barely.
Precaution #4: Be mindful of
where you are. Be aware of local dangers
such as poison plants or dangerous animals.
In my case, I was very aware of dangerous animals in the vicinity and I
had brought my walking stick and bear bell for safety. But really?
Would either of these have provided adequate protection had I
encountered a buffalo or a grizzly bear.
I think not. Grade: FAIL
Yes, laying there on the rocks
I had plenty of time to reflect on my failure to take properly safety
precautions. I vowed to myself that I’d
do better next time!

In the end, I got lucky. I escaped with just bruises and “friendly”
reminders from the cactus that I continued to pull out over the next four
weeks. But, it could have been much
worse considering that I failed to follow so many safety precautions. I’ve learned my lesson and I hope you will
learn from my experience as well.
Geocaching is fun for everyone, but it can also be dangerous unless you
practice safe caching.
Have fun and be safe!!!
(Note: In the cache description the CO of Electric
Rock warns of wildlife and cactus in the area.
Perhaps, Precaution #5 should be added:
Read the cache description and make note of any precautions listed!)